
Fisk 双学位课程

澳门皇冠赌场平台有一个惊人的历史与一些国家的精英大学合作,以帮助进一步我们的学生教育. 菲斯克目前与凯斯西储大学和范德比尔特大学有双学位课程,重点是专业预科课程.

菲斯克/范德比尔特双学位课程允许学生获得澳门皇冠赌场平台的学士学位和科学专业(生物学), 化学, Math and 计算机科学 and Physics) plus Bachelor's Degree from 范德比尔特大学 生物医学工程, 化学工程, 土木工程, 计算机工程, 计算机科学, 电气工程 or 机械工程. 这是一个为期五年的项目, 前三年住在澳门皇冠赌场平台,后两年住在范德比尔特大学.

In order to qualify for the program, 学生必须在还在菲斯克的时候就开始学习范德比尔特大学的工程课程(不迟于大三的第一学期),并且在这些课程和菲斯克的课程上做得足够好,才有资格进入范德比尔特大学. This requires special attention to the sequence of courses taken at Fisk, so contact with the Fisk Dual Degree advisor should be made as soon as possible.

Information about Vanderbilt 工程 programs can be found at the Vanderbilt 工程学院 website.

The Program is a "three + two" Dual Degree Program between Fisk University and 凯斯西储大学, leading to a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Biology, 化学, 计算机科学, 数学 and Physics from Fisk and a Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree from Case. 双学位学生可以在凯斯西储大学工程学院主修以下学科:

Information about the Case Western Reserve programs can be found at the Case Western Reserve dual-degree website.


  • In October or November of the fall of their third year, 学生应向范德比尔特大学本科招生办公室提交正式申请,作为转学申请过程中的特殊情况(三、二名学生).
  • Before initiating the application process, 学生应确保自己所在学校和范德比尔特大学的3-2联络人(本科教育高级副院长), 工程学院, 辛西娅·B. 复活节的博士., 可以证明他们已经达到了我们的双学位合同的要求(平均B), 适当的工程预科课程, and the recommendation of the home institution). 家庭学校联络人应该将他/她的推荐信传达给院长Paschal和范德比尔特大学本科招生办公室.
  • 联系 with VU Undergraduate 招生 should be made through Director of 招生 John O. 盖恩斯(  ). Please make sure the Vanderbilt admissions office understands you are a 3-2 transfer applicant.
  • Application for need-based financial aid, 如果合适的话, should be made as part of the application process through 招生. Merit (honor) aid is not available.
  • 招生将与我们的移民官员(如适用)和住房(如需要)进行安排。. We cannot guarantee housing for transfer students, but we can help them.

学生应该获得 form as soon as possible in the freshman year from the Dual Degree advisor, 填好并交回,这样指导老师就可以通知学生这个项目的要求. Note that completion of this form does not mean the student is admitted to the program. 当学生完成了在范德比尔特工程学院开始学习课程所需的工作时,正式进入该计划, usually in the sophomore or first part of the junior year, 已完成申请, and has been accepted by the Dual Degree Committee. Continuation in the program requires successful academic progress.
A minimum of 90 hours of Fisk courses are required, including -

  • 主修课程(约 30-39 hours, depending on the major)
  • 核心课程
  • Electives and major cognate courses

The student must major in one of the natural sciences, mathematics, or computer science at Fisk. Usually the Fisk major will be determined by the desired 工程 major field at Vanderbilt. The Dual Degree advisor should be consulted on this. 的更详细的描述 appropriate pre-工程 preparation 是可用的. The student must satisfy the degree requirements for the VU degree, including a minimum of 60 hours of Vanderbilt courses -

  • 主修课程(约. 40小时)
  • Program electives and cognate courses (approx. 20小时)

The student will be informed of the specific science, 他/她必须在菲斯克完成数学和计算机科学课程,然后才能转到范德比尔特大学. These courses may vary depending upon the student's major. 该项目旨在让学生在大一期间修完菲斯克的所有课程. 学生通常应该在大二的每个学期在范德比尔特大学交叉注册一到三个小时. It is necessary before cross-registering to apply for admission to the Dual Degree Program. 学生应该在大三的每个学期在范德比尔特大学交叉注册四到八个小时. 所修课程必须是每个双学位课程批准的课程中指定的课程.

By January 15 of the second semester of the junior year, the student should fill out the proper papers to transfer to 范德比尔特大学. The student will have all of his or her financial affairs handled by Vanderbilt. 这意味着:

  • The student should have his/her FAFSA information form and PROFILE data sent to Vanderbilt.
  • 学生必须从范德比尔特大学本科招生办公室获得转学申请,并确保其被标记为双学位课程申请人.
  • The student has to have a Fisk University transcript sent to 范德比尔特大学.

Once this has been done and if the student has a 3.5 GPA or higher at Fisk and Vanderbilt, both overall and in math and science, the Vanderbilt Dual Degree Coordinator will recommend to the V.U. 招生办公室,学生的录取和范德比尔特大学将向学生提供有关其住房合同的信息.

当我还是范德比尔特学生的时候, all of the student's financial matters will be handled through 范德比尔特大学. The student will pay tuition at Vanderbilt. 学生必须记住,在他或她被允许继续下个学期之前,所有的账单必须在范德比尔特大学每个学期支付.

学生将负责确保每所大学都有他们毕业所需的所有信息. 最重要的要求是学生必须在毕业前的最后一个学期将范德比尔特的成绩单转到菲斯克. 这是必要的,这样菲斯克就可以用在范德比尔特的专业课程代替其他项目的选修课程和同源课程,以满足菲斯克的毕业要求.


  • Application to Case is made through Case's Office of Undergraduate Admission. The application process can be reviewed on-line through the Undergraduate 招生 home page, http://admission.case.edu/. 项目和案例的接受将由Case自行决定,学生的申请不保证被接受.

    学生在菲斯克的第三年结束之前接受该计划是有条件的, 正式录取取决于学生在第三年结束时的最终平均成绩和学术要求是否符合计划要求. Students must provide Case with an official transcript, as soon as it becomes available, prior to a final decision being made at Case. 项目的最终接受取决于Case发出书面声明确认所述接受.

    每个学生应负责在入学期间向其所就读的院校缴纳学杂费,并遵守该院校的所有政策和程序. Students in the Dual Degree Program may apply and qualify for financial aid at http://finaid.情况下.edu

Prior to admission to the Program students must:

  • 在大学完成相当于90个学期时数或135个季度时数的课程,平均绩点达到3分.0或更大.0-4.0. Furthermore students must have a 3.0 cumulative grade point average in Math and Science courses at Fisk.
  • Complete the then current Dual Degree Entrance Course 需求 established by Case. (在本协议签署时,这些要求已在Case网站上列出,网址为 www.工程.情况下.edu/desp/dualdegree )
  • Be in disciplinary good standing at Fisk.